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FotU Event: Symposium 14 April 2022

Writer's picture: Martine SchutMartine Schut

Updated: Apr 11, 2022

We would like to invite you to our Fundamentals of the Universe symposium, which will take at the Bernoulliborg on Thursday, 14 September 2022. If you are interested in attending on site please register for the event via this online form!

A tentative program for the symposium can be found below and some abstracts for the talks are also already available. This page will be updated as more information becomes available.

Program Location: Bernoulliborg room 105.

Morning session : 10:00-11:45 10:00-10:30 Martine Schut (FotU) 10:30-11:00 Tomas Flöss (FotU) 11:00-11:15 Coffee and Tea 11:15-11:45 Kevin van Helden (FotU) Break (no organised lunch) Afternoon session: 14:30-17:00

14:30-15:15 Nikolay Martynchuk (Bernoulli) 15:15-16:00 Kristof de Bruyn (VSI) 16:00-16:15 Coffee and Tea 16:15-17:00 Inga Kamp (Kapteyn)


Talk abstracts

Morning session

Martine Schut (FotU)

Title: Entanglement & Quantum Gravity - Testing the weak equivalence principle

Abstract: Over the last few years a proposal for testing the quantum nature of gravity via entanglement has gained a lot of attention in the community. I will briefly discuss the setup of these entanglement-based quantum gravity tests, and explain how these can also be used to test the weak equivalence principle in the quantum regime.

Thomas Flöss (FotU)

Title: The Cosmological Collider

Abstract: Over the past decades, cosmological inflation has become a well-established paradigm for describing the early universe. The extreme energy scale during this period of rapidly accelerated expansion allows for spontaneous particle production, possibly leading to rich phenomenology beyond the standard model. In this way, inflation can be regarded as a cosmological particle collider. I will introduce inflation and then discuss how to access the cosmological collider with future experiments, highlighting the various hurdles along the way.

Kevin van Helden (FotU)

Title: Discrete Quantum Differential Geometry

Abstract: In quantization procedures, one usually tries to transform a classical theory of commuting functions on phase space to a quantum theory with non-commuting operators. We will take a different approach to study quantum geometry, directly starting from algebras that do not have be commutative. We will rework familiar concepts of differential geometry for such algebras. In particular, we will look how differential forms, metrics and connections work on finite graphs and how they, on a polygon, lead to the Einstein-Hilbert action.

Afternoon session

Kristof de Bruyn (VSI)

Title: A new pixel detector for the LHCb experiment Abstract: Weak decays of exotic particles offer a powerful probe to test the Standard Model up to energy scales well beyond the centre-of-mass energy of the Large Hadron Collider. Many results are in good agreement with their Standard Model predictions, but others hint at a violation of lepton flavour universality. All these studies of rare decays have in common that further improving our measurements requires us to process an order of magnitude more data. This can only be achieved (in a reasonable time) by upgrading the complete detector. The centrepiece of this upgrade is a new silicon pixel detector that can accurately reconstruct the many decay vertices produced in the LHC's proton-proton collisions. In this talk I will discuss the motivation for the LHCb upgrade, give an overview of the new silicon pixel detector, and look ahead at what comes after.

Nikolay Martynchuk (Bernoulli)

Title: Finite-dimensional integrable systems, their singularities and classification

Abstract: The theory of finite-dimensional integrable systems is a multidisciplinary

research domain bringing together classical and quantum mechanics, geometry

and singularity theory. The distinctive property of such systems is the existence

of invariant (Liouville) tori foliating their phase space. Such foliations by Liouville

tori typically exhibit singularities and bifurcations, such as pinching and vanishing

of cycles. The study of this type of singularities and in particular their topological

and symplectic classification represents a great mathematical challenge, which

sheds light on the geometry and spectral properties of the underlying

classical and quantum systems.

In this talk, we shall review a few fundamental results concerning classification of

integrable two-degree of freedom systems and report on a recent progress

in the Morse theory and symplectic geometry of such systems.

Inga Kamp (Kapteyn)

Title: Water and ices in planet forming disks – links to the Solar System Abstract: Water is very crucial to forming life as we know it. But do we understand where Earth water came from? We can observe the birth sites of new planetary systems, so called planet forming disks around young stars with ground and space-based telescopes such as ALMA and now soon JWST. By doing that, we can learn how much water and also ice is there at times that the planets are being assembled. I will explain here how we combine computer simulations with cutting edge observations to learn how and where water is forming in space. In the end, these studies will shed light on how water may have originated on Earth and helped life to emerge.

Participants list (11 April, 11:00 AM)

Giorgio Orlando

Thomas Flöss

Andrea Costa

Ema Dimastrogiovanni

Fernanda Roman de Oliveira

Gianni van Marion

Alba Kalaja

Anchal Saxena

Bram Alferink

Sander Andela

Martine Schut

Umberto Denayer

Holger Waalkens

Jelle Bor

Vesna Eric

Satyapan Munshi

Eric Pap

Jann Aschersleben

Roland van der Veen

Martijn Kluitenberg

Paul Wesselius

Julia Even

Julia Even

Oliver Lorscheid

Marcello Seri

Hildeberto Jardon Kojakhmetov


Max Lein

Bohdan Bidenko

Emanuela Dimastrogiovanni

Kristof De Bruyn

Daniel Boer

Dijs de Neeling

Martin van IJcken

Jorge Becerra

Gianmarco Morbelli

Oscar Koster

Laurens Wiersema

Luis Guillermo Venegas Pineda

Natalie Klaudie Koscelanska

Arif Soylu

Tamás Görbe

Daan Meerburg

Manuela Vecchi

Bharath Chowdhary Nagam

Sietse Kolnaar

Riccardo Bonetto

Kevin van Helden

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