Martine SchutFotU Event: Symposium 14 April 2022We would like to invite you to our Fundamentals of the Universe symposium, which will take at the Bernoulliborg on Thursday, 14 September...
Kevin van HeldenClassification of 2-term L∞-algebrasA description of the article posted on arXiv by Kevin van Helden.
Martine SchutFotU symposium recap: Shahn Majid, Joe Silk and Robbert Dijkgraaf (afternoon program)Watch back the talks by Shahn Majid, Joe Silk and Robbert Dijkgraaf below: 14:00-14:45: Shahn Majid Title: Fuzzy black holes and quantum...
Martine SchutFotU symposium recap: Samaya Nissanke, Tina Pollmann and Stefan Teufel (morning program)Watch back the talks by Samaya Nissanke, Tina Pollmann and Stefan Teufel below: 9:30 - 10:15: Samaya Nissanke Title: New Perspectives...
pdmeerburgFotU event: Symposium September 24th - PosterWe would like to invite you to our Fundamentals of the Universe mini-symposium, which will take place online and at the Van Swinderen...